Digital Marketing That Delivers Results

So You Can Work Less, Earn More

Welcome to A & L Media, your partner in innovative digital solutions. We specialize in cutting-edge technologies that drive business success.

Services We Offer

Our flagship products include Saatchi, EqualAccess, and Google Local Search Ads (LSA). Saatchi revolutionizes customer interactions with advanced artificial intelligence, offering seamless, intelligent support to enhance user experience and efficiency. EqualAccess is our top-tier ADA accessibility widget, ensuring your website is inclusive and compliant, providing an optimal browsing experience for all users. With our Goggle local search ads, you only pay per quality, qualified calls.

Saatchi Chat Bot

Saatchi revamps sales and marketing efforts by engaging potential customers, arranging meetings, and fostering growth across multiple channels. It’s like having a personal sales and marketing agent generating leads for you nonstop…24/7.

Pay Per Result SEO

We’ll rank you on the first page of Google, or you don’t pay. Businesses waste hundreds of thousands of dollars on SEO campaigns that don’t even get them anywhere near the top of the SERPs. Pay not for our time, but for the results we deliver.


EqualAccess is our premium ADA accessibility tool that ensures your website is accessible to all, and meets compliance standards, aiming to deliver the best possible browsing experience for every user, thereby expanding your reach.

Google Local Service Ads

Earn the trust of new customers as a Google endorsed provider. Only pay per quality, qualified call deliver.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a consultation with A & L Media today. Our experts are here to understand your unique needs and craft tailored strategies that drive results. Whether you’re looking to enhance customer support, improve local search visibility, boost your search engine rankings, or ensure your website is accessible to all, we’re just a call or click away.